
Here you'll find the beach sea-washed tones of Award-Winning photographer and artist Ben Mackay.
A native of Sydney, Australia with a passion for travel and photography. His adventures have taken him all around the world and more recently with his young family.
After many years of working in marketing with large companies like Red Bull and Coca Cola, Ben took his passion for travel and photography to a new level and ventured into a full-time creative role. It's here where Ocean Feels was born.
Now, with a highly engaged audience of over 150,000, you can also see Ocean Feels artwork printed on walls all around the world.
Ben also creates media for many brands and businesses. With his unique skillset of media creation and marketing, he understands the needs of business and tailors the media to suit each brand.
Ben Mack / @benmack_
Ocean Feels / @oceanfeelsco